2019 November

November 11, 2019by Daphne

Hi I’ve had a request to do some more Seated QiGong sessions. So what I thought I’d do is incorporate all of the specific Meridian Qigong exercises. Put them together in a flow but perform it SEATED. This playlist here that will give you a detailed description of each of the QiGong exercises that I’ll be covering. Make sure you’ve got a sturdy chair that’s not going to tip over and you’ve got lots of space around you so you’re not going to knock anything off. Also position yourself on the chair a little bit further forward than you would normally so that you can sit tall, you’re thinking about that elongation, that lifting up from the crown, and that
stretching out up the spine, so we want to hold good posture, core engaged but most importantly we’ve planted our feet flat on the floor. So take them hip width apart if you can, so it’s a good solid foundation there for your feet during the exercises. I’ll take you through the QiGong Lung exercises.

The first one of which is called ‘wild goose flying’. Bringing our hands up to shoulder height here, inhaling as you go, lifting up and opening the chest and then relaxing as the hands are coming down. We can incorporate a heel raise so as the arms are coming up, we’re going to lift our heels off the floor so that the balls of our feet have got the weight in them. Plant them into the floor, really feel that floor underneath you. They’re rising up and bringing them down. Keeping the core engaged will help with your balance while we are sitting here to maintain that lovely posture.

Second exercise is ‘holding the Qi forwards’. Our hands come up forwards, we’re taking them out to the sides, a little squeeze of the shoulder blades here if you can, and an opening of the chest if the shoulders will allow. We’re bringing the hands up and then we’re gonna press down. And when you press down and you’re doing seated exercises really press your feet and your legs into the
floor. So you should be able to feel a little bit resistance there added to the exercise. Hands up, palms facing up, squeeze of the shoulder blades, lift it up and pressing down. Nice big inhale here. Exhale on the effort of that press.

Next exercise is ‘scooping the sea and looking at the sky’. We’re bringing our hands down, if you can incorporate a little bend forward. Just make sure you’re not gonna tip over. Again plant those feet well. We’re lifting up and opening out the chest looking at the sky. Let’s do that again. Doesn’t really matter which hand you have in front as you’re scooping. I tend to alternate mine. If you don’t want to incorporate the body bend then just round the shoulders, keep the arms a bit higher here don’t need to go too far and that helps you keep it within your comfort zone.

Next exercise is ‘sink and stretch to the sides’ Just going to bring the arms up. Cross hands here and then push out to the sides but again when you push, really push your feet into the floor aswell. Engage that core. Scoop it round. Nice inhale here and exhale as we push. I’m pushing my feet into the floor. And push out.

Exercise number five it’s called ‘squeezing the shoulders’. We’re bringing the hands up to chest height here and going to bend the elbows down, turning the hands so the palms are facing each other. Then the idea is that we squeeze the shoulder blades, open the chest and take the shoulders back. Just do this within your own comfort zone and visualize yourself taking this further and if it’s a bit restricted at the moment. So we’re opening the chest. Just lifting the chin a little bit to release that chest. Then we are relaxing and bringing the hands down to go again. Lifting up, dropping the elbows. Expand. All the while trying to keep hold of that posture. Lifting up, dropping the elbows, turning the hands.

Six exercise is ‘holding the book’ The hands are coming up, nice expansion here and then we are slicing through to hold the book. It’s quite a contraction here in the chest and then we’re releasing that to our stretch. We’re bringing it back in, releasing that stretch. Inhale here and exhale on this contraction.

Quick recap on ‘polishing the lungs’ our next exercise. Our hands are coming down and we are bending the body forward. Again make sure those feet are planted on the floor. Turning our hands around so that when they come up the palms are facing upwards. We’re then going to circle them around, behind it’s quite a big opening for the shoulders here, so definitely listen to your own body and then we’re pushing forwards. Let’s go again. Taking them down, scooping them forwards, Lifting high, taking them round the back and pushing forwards. Again you can keep this smaller – don’t bend forward as far and you don’t have to lift as far, you don’t have to come back as far and push forwards. They can be as small all the way through. Definitely lift as high as you can here and visualise yourself doing a much bigger exercise if that helps. Scooping down, scooping back up, lifting high, taking it round and then pushing it forwards. Relaxing and stretching high. Push forwards.

Next exercise is ‘flowing circles’ so I’d like you to take one foot a little bit further forward than the other so that we can transfer our weight from one to the other. Bring in the opposite hand across the body so it’s always pointing on top of the forward leg here. Transfer your weight into that front leg, turn the palm to face out and then follow the hand and we can transfer the weight into this back leg here. Nice flowing circles and you should feel your weight transfer from one side to the other on the chair. Making sure your chair is solid, it’s not going to tip over. Replace that foot and let’s go to the other side. Bring it slightly further forward. Both feet should still be flat on the floor. Bringing this opposite hand on top of this forwards leg and turn in the palm transferring
the weight back and then transferring the weight forwards. Following the hand. Flowing circles. It doesn’t have to be a big movement. You can still feel that transfer of weight that’s really important as part of this exercise we can incorporate a slightly different weight transfer while we’re sitting down.

Moving on to exercise number nine. This is called ‘opening the chest, opening the heart’. Our hands are coming up to shoulder height here, turning the palms and then we’re opening the chest. We’re going to bring those hands back and if you can visualize that you are really pushing them together. Adds a bit of something. Again you can push into the floor here, grounding those feet. And same again on this push down.We’re lifting up, inhaling here, gonna exhale as we expand here, inhale, we bring the hands together and exhale. Keep the posture tall, lifting from the crowd. Next exercise is ‘bear goes swimming’ so just like a breaststroke we’re going to just scoop through that water here with our hands and bring our hands back into our chest here, so that we can go
forwards again. OK I’m incorporating a forward bend here, rounding the shoulders, rounding the back, sucking that belly button
through to the spine, as I am swimming forwards. But again a little modification you can just do it a bit smaller, it doesn’t have to be as big. Keep it nice and within your own comfort zone. That’s been a little recap on all of the ten different QiGong Lung exercises. A lot more detailed descriptions in this playlist up here goes through each one has five videos covering two exercises in each but hopefully you’ve got a good flavour of the bare bones of those exercises.

We’re going to put them together in a QiGong flow. I’m going to do two repetitions of each exercise or one on each side. ‘Wild Goose Flying’ ‘Holding the Qi forwards’ ‘Scooping the Sea, Looking at the sky’ ‘Sink and Push to the Sides’ ‘Squeezing the Shoulders’ ‘Holding the Book’ ‘Polishing the Lungs’ Flowing Circles’ ‘Opening the chest, Opening the lungs’ ‘Bear goes swimming’
Good posture here. Calming the breath. I hope you really enjoyed that Seated Qigong session. Check out some of the other videos and let me know how you’re getting on. Thanks